laws of attraction

The bats beneath the Congress Street Bridge have been a popular attraction in
Austin for many years; indeed, bat watching has become a mini-industry there. We have seen them - all 3/4 million of them - head for the hills at dusk a number of times. One evening was spectacular, as long spiral formations of bats, black corkscrew clouds, poured out from under the bridge for at least half an hour.
Well, not this summer. They emerge in dribs and drabs about an hour after sunset - when it is too dark out to see them.
Theory is that the bugs are so plentiful this year, they feed less often and head out later.
I wonder if they aren't simply sick of the tourists. Maybe, like Garbo, they just want to be "let alone."
We headed back to our car, wondering what conversations the bat tour boat operators have with their customers who expect nature on demand.
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