Strong to the Finnish

My, but there is so much room for puns!

Finn Grand Fest, Sault Saint Marie, Ontario. Met up with sister Sandi and her 100% Finn friend, Ruthann in this neighborly place, with 1/4 Finn Alexanrda and not at all Finn Mark in tow.

What's not to like about a guy with a grey pony tail beat boxing the Doobie Brothers in Finnish? Or a bunch of yoopers doing reagge tunes like "Me and Eino Down by da Trapline."

The amazing thing was how much Finnish we heard all around us - something that Sis and I had not experienced since we were small and hanging out at Finn Camp. Our Dad was fluent of course, though he claimed he was not, and Sandi and I never learned the language but the sounds have an almost genetic quality.

We learned that there are actually several Finnish retirement homes; a huge one in Sudbury, Ontario.

Mix that with the bad puns and dopey humor, plus a lot of accordion in the background and its a fest alright.

Please note the fun run medal winners in the photo. They were shocked to have won anything, since they do runs for fun, with Mark sometimes running backward taking photos. It was friend Ruthann who checked their names and picked up their medals and brought them to them just before we went to the Wife Carrying Races.

A great time was had by all or at least most. I can attest to the fact that having the wives wear helmets is very smart, as two got thrown when their men collapsed just feet from the finnish line.

But as a gent in the elevator said ruefully later in the day " You know the Bosnians have won the last two years at the World Competition."

Bosnians! Damn.


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