Every day in Spain is a lesson in religion

So off we went to Toledo on a beautiful sunny day. Another cathedral and I'm bored to pieces with cathedrals so I've declared this one to be the last. Sure, it had its fine points, but it's easy to go into overload.

We wound our way to an ancient synagogue which was built in the 1400s and lost to the Catholics after not many years. It was clearly designed by an Mudjaher architect, as were many buildings commissioned by non-Muslims simply because they were the best. For many years the synagogue was a church, it spent about a century as military barracks and then became a state memorial and is now known as the Synagogue of St. Mary. 

As the sweet nun with a Star of David in her crucifix told us, there is no longer a Jewish community in Toledo, yet they will celebrate Hanuka and their love and gratitude for Israel. 

In much of the city, embedded into the street, are tiles like these.

And many souvenir stores carry mezuzzahs of Spanish ceramics or Damascus steel.

Afterward, we wandered to a beautiful little square for another meal outdoors and found tapas con lox at a cafe called "Dar al Chai" whose interior decor as strictly Arabian.



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