Museum pieces

At an art space supported by the Telephonica Foundation, we saw the amazing Strandbeests, the creation of the Dutch artist Theo Jansen. They walk powered by wind, and can even store energy in plastic bottles and thus amble without wind. Genius. 

For video see his site   He also has a TED talk.

It was a nice building. Great looking stairwell.

Also in the building, a history of the telephone museum that was quite fun, though at the end, I had to laugh over the fact that my exact model of phone is already a museum piece.

At a different gallery, saw a retrospective of the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, Europe's Frank Lloyd Wright, a man who brought architecture into the modern age and also designed furniture, lamps, bricks, and many other things. His designs are still available, especially the glass ware.

Went to the Madrid design center for an exhibit of Bakelite objects that was absolutely wonderful - hundreds of pieces, all in excellent condition.  Unbeknownst to us, they also had a show with a about a dozen Finnish artists, all women, working in 3D with often recycled material. I'd show you photos, but none were allowed. 

Truly, Madrid is a museum lovers dream. Tomorrow we hit The Prado. 


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